Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Cost of Our Silence : Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance (9781622452712)

There are consequences when God's people take the path of least resistance and back out of culture. One only needs to look at our society to see we are living with those consequences today. - Why do you think so many Christians pursue comfort over commitment to Christ?
- Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the darkness and moral decline in society today and wonder what happened to the salt and light?
- How have we reached a point where Christians who do preach the gospel and speak up about sin are called hateful, intolerant, or judgmental? Christian in name only, America has become an epicenter for the culture war as too many of us keep ducking the issue of sin. Due to decades of Christians being silent, failing to preach the gospel and speak the truth in love, we've reached a tipping point in which political correctness refuses to coexist with religious freedom. Why do you think Christians who defend God's Word are often called hateful, intolerant, or judgmental? There are consequences in this life and for eternity, when Christians take the path of least resistance. We cannot reverse the moral decline, but we can choose to stand for righteousness as we pray for revival and be the salt and light Jesus called us to be while we're still here. Hide the light of Christ and retreat, or let it shine and expose the darkness; live an inconsequential life, or bear fruit that will last. If most Christians remain silent, fewer people will be saved, society will collapse, and we will continue to be part of the problem. Dietrich Bonhoeffer said it best:
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless..."

Product details

  • Paperback | 338 pages
  • 152 x 226 x 23mm | 408g
  • ANEKO Press
  • WI, United States
  • English
  • 1622452712
  • 9781622452712
  • 1,055,016

Download Cost of Our Silence : Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance (9781622452712).pdf, available at for free.


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